Breeding committee aims to keep the breed healthy within the years to come with carefully planned breeding. The Breeding committee aims to help, advice and concentrates on the breeding points on the breed. Breeding advisory must be neutral and only for the breeds best in mind. The committee keeps up with the development of the breeed in Finland as well as in other countries. The committee gathers information and informs issues that come up within the breed. It advices with breeding issues and helps breeders to keep the genepool as wide as possible. The committee is in charge of breeding advisory that is done every 5th year. It also sustains list of litters as well as breeding dogs. It informs Zooeasys's database administrator about illnesses that have come across.
Chairman: Minna Milosavljevic & Kirsi Mäki
Members: Anne Leppänen, Erica Nordberg & Satu-Marjo Forsström